Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching Center, LLC

Become Who & What You Desire to Be
Helping people awaken to an authentic life of deep self-understanding, acceptance, love, & peace

Now's The Time to
Discover Your Inner Light
Become who and what you desire to be but do it according to your design in your own way! Be inspired to re-discover your authentic self by choosing to be nourished from Tara’s storytelling. Whether it be through Now’s The Times written content, podcasts, in person events, or other creative means that she maps out, you will feel invited to take a deeper look within!
As a certified integrative health and wellness life coach and author, Tara instigates gentle life reflection with her specific word selection and placement. She takes a holistic approach to well-being considering the body, mind and spirit. Using examples of her skillset in personal stories, her work will encourage you to explore all facets of health.
These stories are derived from her very own journey, or come from former clients, colleagues, friends, and others - with permission of course. She shows how to apply practical tools encouraging you to harness your personal power and develop positive transformation techniques so you can begin to live a deeply meaningful, integrated, and empowered life.