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Captivity Narrative


Tara Whiteman-Fager. Who is she? What does she do? Why?

Tara is the original visionary and founder of Now’s The Time Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching Center, LLC. A survivor of early childhood trauma that went unrecognized, eventually leading her into captivity and held her there for decades.

In an attempt to free herself from the inheritance of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Effects), in 2022, she courageously answered the call to act by using every aspect of her formal training and life experiences. She has an insatiable need to learn and is always on a continued education lead!

Formally trained in the healing sciences, her true aspiration is to share much needed information with others. Especially those who may not be privy to what is “necessary” to navigate health and wellbeing to it’s present time, most optimal level. In short: to help others get what they need to live their best life as soon as possible and as affordable as possible.

Her call to action was inspired by watching her birth mother and half brother struggle through life with mental illness, alcoholism and addiction; much due to lack of proper resources and healthcare provisions at the most fundamental levels. Her brother even being denied life extending treatment as a result of his mental illness and alcoholism.

In the end, she lost them both to cancer. She believes this to be the long term consequence of the body’s inability to create internal bio-chemical homoeostasis; and for them; for a prolonged period of time; a life time.

Sustaining such mental and emotional imbalances for even 24 hours is scientifically proven to disturb the chemistry inside the physical being; taking hours to recalibrate hormonally. Tara believes that her biological mother and half brother’s long term exposure to such imbalances; touching each part of their MEPS system, ultimately manifested in the physical body; in these cases, as cancer. “It”, byproducts of experiencing ACEs, could manifest in many other ways and illnesses; behaviors; patterns…

Because of this, when Tara talks as a a coach, she places a heavy focus on addressing the mental, emotional and spiritual parts of being - all in an attempt to improve the physical state. Tara does not treat mental health, but she speaks of her own journey with it and provides referrals and resources when required.

After a decade of clinical practice as a chiropractor and after having a profound personal experience of her own, Tara is clinically retired and emphasizes her knowing:

Mental health illness is a global and growing public health threat that impacts the physical wellbeing of individuals. It is thought that 1 in 4 people around the world identify with having mental illness and there is a very large gap in those who can and do actually seek treatment for it or any of the side effects of mental illness. This means; people are not getting the care they need.

Tara achieves emphasis on the topic of overall health and well being through writing, podcasting and creative expression; particularly through tattooing as a healing modality.

Much of her current self-work is open to and easily accessible to the public. This is her action step in honor of her loved ones. Her goal is to help offset the collective imbalance in resources and knowledge that in part, caused the demise of her maternal birth family.

To learn more about her, simply click the ABOUT tab in the website menu.

For more content from Tara please visit:

Key Terms:

ACEs (Adverse Childhood Effects)

The Cleveland Clinic defines ACEs as: traumatic events that happen between the ages of 1 and 17. These negative experiences affect a child's brain and health as they grow into adults. ACEs can lead to mental health or chronic health conditions. Lifelong treatment and management of ACEs helps a person lead a fulfilling life. Listen to Now's the Time Podcast featuring Angela Mabb on Epigenetics, Trans-generational Inheritance: Your DNA has a Story to be Told for more on this topic.

Dive deeper into the research. Read the article published in Frontiers in Psychiatry; "Epigentic Modifications in Stress Response Genes Associated with Childhood Trauma" written by Shui Jiang, Lynne Postovit, et. al.

Optimal Level

Is to be defined by a person per their own needs and wants. Certain factors need to be taken into account. For example where their starting point is and where they set their goals to be in the future. In short: doing the best one can do given their current circumstances at that current time. In the present moment. Tips: Having a feasible short and long term goal often makes this process more efficient. Marking progress in a meaningful way is also helpful.


Balance in general. Tara invites you to extend this concept to the MEPS system.


The mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of a whole being.


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