Get out and spend time in the garden.

I don’t need to list the reasons or the statistics about the multiple benefits of spending time in nature;
Or go on about the positive side effects of being in green space...
such as the specially concocted and timed,
release of certain hormones that are proven natural mood and immune boosters;
thanks to the exposure component of gardening,
to certain, but good, bacteria-bugs and germs acquired while playing in the soil.
I need not to mention the vitamin D gleaned from a reasonable dose of sun.
It is unnecessary to speak to any of that because we’ve all been reading and hearing it for years upon years.
So, we know already.
Don’t we?!
But what’s next?
What if you don’t have a garden?
Or the space to make one either?
What if your self confidence in doing just your very own life care,
(or those who depend on you),
is in limbo or out of balance in some way;
so to take on another living thing seems intimidating?
Well, I would then suggest,
Find a pot and plant.
Put them together.
Can be small or big.
A slip or full grown.
Planted from seed or purchased from the nursery.
Just get a potted plant and bring it inside.
Sit with it.
For 10 minutes a day.
I love potted plants because they pack a punch of mental-health-super-booster-power.
You don’t have to lift or lug, you don’t have to sew or weed.
Just water, typically once a week, or less if you choose a succulent.
Park it in a crack of sun; or filtered light depending on what it is.
Visit it for 10 minutes a day.
I enjoy house plants especially for the ease that they bring and the sense of humor that often comes along too.
Some get names or plans for new and updated homes.
Some keep us company and love when we talk to them a lot!
So consider getting out and spending time in the garden!
And if for some reason you are not ready for that yet,
think about the potted plant idea.
And if EVEN THAT is too much, don’t stop striving.
Contemplate then, joining my Secret Garden.
It is all set up on Facebook already,
and has a handful of members contributing;
for reasons we don’t need to define.
...hopefully for a few seasons.
Perhaps if you can’t yet get out and get going,
or don’t quite have the means,
come see what a wander in this quaint,
virtual garden can bring.
But let’s always recall,
it doesn’t matter how you choose to do your gardening,
but that you do it at all!
while spending time there,
do me one more favor.
Observe yourself.
I think what you might discover,
from JUST 10 minutes of self care;
Albeit through the act of spending time with a plant, will be surprising in the grand scheme...
Specifically in the realm of mental health maintenance and hygiene.
It is not the end all be all;
but it is a great way to supplement,
Without a doubt.
"I am capable and willing."