I find it perplexing (but well worth the effort);
To take note of my most recent (social media) post...
And the positive feedback that I received,
for simply being myself.
The first picture didn't "Do It Justice" as I said...
But this one does.
Equally so, I find it fascinating how, the person I created LIFE with, have since separated from and is going on 7 years of successfully co-existing with me (not always turbulence free), used to tell the patients on our table...who were so self-conscious about their natural changes;
"Those are just wisdom sticks...". That's what he would say. *Chiropractors get the first view of hair changing. Aside from your hairstylist of course.
I would chuckle to myself. Maybe shake my head. I would press the buttons on the computer, clicking the data away.
Data Entry:
Not of what he was saying but of what I was seeing. How the people on the table, transformed. Once given the permission to be comfortable with themselves in the company of a rock strong presence. Transformed into the comfort of their own healing. Scared. About being different. But they did it. And 9 out of 10 times, they healed...
As I plugged whatever needed to be typed into the computer at that time;
that of which was needed,
to make the business turn and churn,
acting more like the front end;
despite the fact that I too was a doctor...
I was female...and some refused to see me...even though I was doing a lot of the leg work of their care... as I pressed the buttons;
I tandem, suppressed my yuck filled energy;
about this all...
The chauvinism, from masculine and feminine alike.
And I would preoccupy myself as I would think outside the box.
I would press those buttons and type away;
like a robot,
whatever needed to go into the computer,
it went...
to make that business turn and churn;
the butter that fed my babies.
And I am glad I did. My partner in business appreciated my role in building LIFE and to this day still provides me the benefits of owning my own business. Or two. Something I set out to do looooong before I met him. And then got beautifully side tracked by birthing, rebirthing, rearing; loving and recovering.
Data Entry:
I was good at it. Typing, internal logging or external. Fast, pretty accurate. Reasonable Rolodex skills...fair amounts of mistakes but nothing too inhibiting. I learned on an imaginary typewriter, right beside my grandmother, in a nursing home, long before HIPPA existed, and mimicked typing those executive notes. We had perfect posture and shook our head with unrelenting understanding, just like a good girl-grown woman would do. This is the grandmother that didn't raise me;
But always picked me up when I was dropped. No matter the time or day.
I also find it peculiar that hair, to some cultures, is representative of the nervous system. And by some, are known to help balance the electromagnetic field of our body. I find it peculiar that just as I decided to grow mine gray...this surge of positive feelings and expression also grew.
Additionally pertinent and pleasing to my super UBER inner nerd,
I find it worth noting that, I, along with my ancestors,
confirmed by my travels around the world, not the entire world, but more than I had expected,
it is believed,
that hair,
may carry the coding of our ancestry and make it easier to plug in, tune in, and receive messages from a higher consciousness of experienced beings.
I deduce, that without even knowing it,
probably by repeating something that his recently, late, grandpa probably used to say;
Because God or a Shaman (maybe both) knows, he is a lot like his good, good grandpa...
The Doc,
"He" was right after all.
"Wisdom Sticks."
Hearing things clearer these day.
Seeing them too.
Perhaps I am finally stepping into my Own.
I hope so. Because ...
It was A LOT of stepping stones in unfamiliar territory along the WHOLE way.
If I can save you a couple trips;
let me know.